“Raw foods do not have more nutritional value than cooked foods”


Raw foods do not have more nutritional value than cooked foods

Raw food has no nutritional value over cooked. Biologically, there’s no difference — the body can deal with it either way. The body responds to chicken the same – whether it’s cooked or raw.

However, raw meat is not always perfectly safe — would you feed raw chicken to your baby or child? Dogs are not anymore protected from salmonella and other foodborne illnesses than humans — they don't have iron stomachs, contrary to the myths. Plus they run around licking things after eating raw foods. We have laws for restaurants and food handling for a reason

In short, by insisting on a raw food diet, you get no benefits over cooked meat and open up possibilities for health risks not only for your animal, but for you and your family

Raw food has no nutritional value over cooked. Biologically, there’s no difference — the body can deal with it either way. The body responds to chicken the same – whether it’s cooked or raw.

However, raw meat is not always perfectly safe — would you feed raw chicken to your baby or child? Dogs are not anymore protected from salmonella and other foodborne illnesses than humans — they don't have iron stomachs, contrary to the myths. Plus they run around licking things after eating raw foods. We have laws for restaurants and food handling for a reason

In short, by insisting on a raw food diet, you get no benefits over cooked meat and open up possibilities for health risks not only for your animal, but for you and your family

1. Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet buffalo hamburger do short loin nulla ad rump boudin kielbasa beef est tri-tip frankfurter adipisicing anim.

2. Enim jowl picanha chicken, venison occaecat chuck ground round shoulder irure ribeye dolor. Shankle magna cow spare ribs laboris prosciutto buffalo.

3. Ground round laboris pig officia meatball chuck, turducken exercitation pancetta turkey.